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Membership eligibility in The American Legion is based on honorable service with the U. S. Armed Forces between:

April 6, 1917 - November 11, 1918 World War I December 7, 1941 - Present


All Service to include but not limited to:
World War II
Korean War
Vietnam War
Operation Just Cause
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Global War on Terrorism


Because eligibility dates remain open, all members of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible to join The American Legion at this time, until the date of the end of hostilities as determined by the government of the United States.


Must have served at least one day of active military duty during one of the dates above and honorably discharged or still serving honorably. 


It is now even easier to renew your membership at your local Post. Register your membership at to ensure you are up to date with what the American Legion is doing; what Benefits and resources you have by being a member of the American Legion. provides membership information, reports and electronic membership tools such as data change forms for department and post leadership.

Transfer to Local Post


By transferring, not only can you connect with other veterans, but a portion of your annual dues will be kept local, and you’ll be a part of the true strength of our organization. You can either transfer into a local post or to our CyberPost that is facilitated through our Department Headquarters. 


Although transferring is not required, we hope that you decide to join one of our local posts or Cyberpost 208 today.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Membership at or  407-295-2631.

Paid Up For Life Program (PUFL)


Current members may now enroll in the Paid Up For Life program online or can print a personalized application and mail in their payment. Pay in full or choose 12 monthly installments.


  • No more renewal notices. No more paying annual dues.

  • No more worrying, “Did I renew my membership or not?”

  • Join the other 200,000 PUFL Legionnaires in saying, “I believe in The American Legion and what it’s doing. I’m in this for the long haul.”

  • Avoid future dues increases. No matter what inflation does, you never have to pay another penny in dues.

  • Lifetime subscription to The American Legion Magazine!


Each Paid Up For Life member receives a permanent plastic card, as well as an annual paper card to verify continuing membership in The American Legion. The annual card is mailed in July of each year.

​​Request Your Military Service Records Online, by Mail, or by Fax

Request Your Military Service Records Online, by Mail, or by Fax (Includes DD 214/ Separation Documents, Personnel Records, Replacement Medals, and/or Medical Records).​

*This information is usually available through a veteran’s DD-214. If other information is needed or if a veteran’s DD-214 is not complete, they can contact the National Personnel Records Center online or at 314-801-0800 to request more information.

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