"Always reaching out to local veterans in need."
The East Orange County-American Legion, Post 242, following in the American Legion’s national mission as a nonprofit, patriotic veterans’ organization devoted to mutual helpfulness, dedicates itself and its membership to the local veterans, their families, and its diverse community by volunteering their time and services in support of Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children and Youth for the betterment of the community.
Additionally, the Legion raises funds to help veterans and their families during times of need and to provide college scholarship opportunities.
The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.
The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives.
To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America;
To maintain law and order;
To foster and perpetuate one hundred percent Americanism;
To preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars;
To inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation;
To combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses;
To make right the master of might;
To promote peace and goodwill on earth;
To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy;
To consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.
There are Four Pillars of the American Legion
There is a much more detailed description of the Four pillars and their mandate here.
Legion Emblem
“There shines the Emblem of The American Legion, it is your badge of distinction, honor and service. It stands for God and Country, and the highest rights of man. Of its several parts, each has a meaning.”
Elements of the emblem
The rays of the sun
The rays of the sun form the background of our proud emblem and suggests the Legion’s principles will dispel the darkness of violence and evil.
The wreath
The wreath forms the center, in loving memory of those brave comrades who gave their lives in the service of the United States that liberty might endure.
The star
The star, victory symbol of World War I, also symbolizes honor, glory and constancy. The letters “U.S.” leave no doubt as to the brightest star in the Legion’s star.
Outer rings
The larger of two outer rings stands for the rehabilitation of our sick and disabled comrades. The smaller inside ring denotes the welfare of America’s children.
Inner rings
The smaller of two inner rings set upon the star represents service to our communities, states and the nation. The larger outer ring pledges loyalty to Americanism.
American Legion
The words American Legion tie the whole together for truth, remembrance, constancy, honor, service, veterans’ affairs and rehabilitation, children and youth, loyalty, and Americanism.